Discharge instructions

Following gastroscopy or colonoscopy, you may experience the following:

It is important to note that for the rest of the day following your procedure and intravenous sedation, that you must not:

Upon leaving the centre you must be accompanied by a responsible adult. You must not travel alone after having anaesthetic sedation, regardless of how well you may feel. Following your procedure you may return to your normal diet unless otherwise specified.

The nurse will also advise you of any follow up instructions or appointments that may have been made for you.

If a polyp was removed or biopsies were taken during your colonoscopy, you may notice a minor amount of bleeding from your rectum.  If this is excessive or increasing, you should contact your doctor or present to your nearest emergency department for assessment.

Please contact the doctor who performed your procedure if you experience any of the following within 24 hours of your procedure (gastroscopy or colonoscopy):

If you cannot contact the doctor who performed your procedure, you should present yourself to the nearest G.P. or hospital for assessment.